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Property results for

Nayland Road, Stoke, Nelson

Rating values as at 01 September 2021

Capital value
Land value
Improvement value
Valuation reference

No Sale on Record

  • cars -
  • floor -
  • land 2.3687 ha
  • built

Valuation Details

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Category code
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Units of use
Land use
Passive outdoor
Roof construction
Roof condition
Wall construction
Wall condition


Nelson City
Mixed Zone
Legal description
LOT 54 & 57 DP 464575 LOT 56 DP 412347 LOT 55 DP 394946 LOT 1 DP 16994 LOT 58 DP 16347 LOTS 46 48 DP 16045 LOT 20 DP 15524 LOTS 31 33 34 DP 15027 LOTS 76 77 DP 19724 LOT 37 DP 308527 LOT 37 DP 317305 - ESPLANADE & LOCAL PURPOSE RESERVES
Number of carparks

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